A Journal, not too sure who for...

He seems pretty nice!

The interveining days after writing my last entry, things have remained the same level of strange. School's been everso boring, esp with virtual stuff, we recently started drinking this Ohana drink stuff, we have like, tea and punch, its nice

Saturday, January 16th, 2021, I feel like a cool magic boy!

Today was weird, my first day coding html with Neocities, it's pretty cool, my site's still under construction, so stay tuned for stuff like that. My sister is staying with us for now, I like her, we watched some Sailor Moon today, as well. I am around 24 episodes into the orignal series, I like Sailor Jupiter, she reminds me of my other sister, Natalie. Night-night, friendlies~

Tuesday, January 26th, 2021, Writing more, or what I should be doing...